
Showing posts from March, 2013

Oracle Inventory Transactions and Cost processing

This blog provide basic understanding about Oracle Inventory Transactions and Cost processing procedure. SCOPE & APPLICATION ------------------- Oracle manufacturing customers, support, and consulting.    Transactions - Unprocessed Transactions/Closing INV Accounting Period (TRXN-STK) This document will be used to explain the flow of transactions from the MTL_TRANSACTIONS_INTERFACE to the GL_INTERFACE. The aim of this document is to help and assist in resolution of Interface related issues. CONTENTS -------- Q1.  What is the MTL_TRANSACTIONS_INTERFACE table used for? Q2.  What is the MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS_TEMP table used for? Q3.  What type of issues will you see with the MTL__TRANSACTIONS_INTERFACE and      MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS_TEMP tables? Q4.  What type of issues will you see with the MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS table? Q5.  What type of issues will you see with the MTL_TRANSACTION_ACCOU...

Interface Trip Stop (ITS)

In the processing of the sales order after Shipping Execution ships the delivery, Shipping module needs to interface the information back to Oracle Order Management and Oracle Inventory Management Modules also. This is done via the Interface Trips Stop Concurrent Program.   OM Interface occurs first,  then Inventory Interface You can also run Interfaces Individually for Order Management and Inventory.  However, the system will not allow you to run Inventory Interface until Order Management has completed successfully. The Delivery Detail status becomes Staged/Picked after Pick Release is successful. Thereafter when you ship confirm the delivery to which this Delivery Detail  belongs,  there are the following cases that could happen: Case 1: ====== If you ship confirm the delivery and do not run the interface (you Checked the Defer Interface Flag in the Confirm Delivery window before ship confirm), the delivery detail status would become "Shipped...

Oe_interfaced_flag and Inv_interfaced_flag in wsh_delivery_details table

Oe_interfaced_flag and Inv_interfaced_flag in wsh_delivery_details table This post is about 2 Important fields in wsh_delivery_details table from the Order Management and Inventory point of view. These 2 flags/fields are oe_interfaced_flag inv_interfaced_flag these plays very important role during the ship confirm process. As I have stated in many of my posts on ITS that interface Trip Stop(ITS)has 2 parts Order Management and  Inventory.  OM part will takes care of updating the fields in oe_order_lines_all tables like shipping_quantity , shipped_quantity etc and INV part take care of releasing the reservation once OM part is done. NOTE -  Inventort part of the ITS always exected once OM part exected successfully. If OM part of ITS has executed , but INV is not yet exected because of some issues then oe_interfaced_flag = Y and inv_interfaced_flag remains = X(Pending) or N . In such case we have 2 options run the ITS again  ( but this time i...